Map of Cameroon Courtesy of CIA
Vital Statistics
Areal extent: 475,440
Population (1998): 14,323,000**
Population density: 30.1 per sq. km.
Urban population (1975/1998): 26.9/47.3¬
Population growth (1995-2000): 2.7% p.a.**
Life expectancy (1975-80/1995-2000): 44.5/48.6**
Fertility rate (1975/1995): 6.5/5.5*
Capital: Yaounde
Largest city/population (1987): Douala/810,000~
Gross National Product (1997): $9.1 billions*
GNP per capita (1997): $650*
Human Development Index rank/value 1999: 134/0.528¬
Exports 1998 ($ millions):
Imports 1998 ($ millions):
Current account balance ($ millions) 1998:
Export destinations 1998: France, 32.6%, Nigeria, 5.6%, USA, 5.2%, Thailand, 5.1%^
Debt service ratio 1998 (%):
President: - yr. term of office - re-electable
National Government: President and his Council of Ministers
National Assembly:
Main political parties:
Legal system:
* = World Bank 1999
** World Resources Institute
~ = Instituto del Tercer Mundo 1997
¬ = Human Development Report 2000 (UNDP)