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Study Africa

Why Study Africa? Africa is not a part of the world that people generally decide to study unless they have a connection or passion of one sort or another. This is largely because of the bad press that the continent receives in most of the world, Africa included. You know the sort of thing: wars, famine, disease, corruption, poverty, refugees. The fact that you are here today suggests that you realise that there is much more to the second largest landmass on earth and its 700+ million people.

Quite apart from those who live there, many who decide to study Africa were born there or maybe their parents or ancestors come from Africa. Others may have worked or lived there or are the relatives of people working or living in Africa. Alternatively there are those who have read or heard of the continent and through their own curiosity have become enchanted and hooked. Maybe you would like to tell us how you have come to study Africa. Just click on the following messageboard link and add your comments as a reply to one of the existing messages or, to start a new discussion, click on 'new topic'. Thanks for your contribution!