Map of Senegal (Courtesy of CIA)
International dialling code: 221
Time Zone: GMT (when it is noon in Senegal,
it is noon in London and 7 a.m. in New York, or an hour later during British Summer Time/Daylight Savings Time.
Languages: French (official), Wolof
(spoken by about 80% of the population, Bambara, Diola, Mandingue, Pulaar, Serer and Soninké
Religions: Islam (approx. 90%),
Christian, mainly Catholic (approx. 5%), Animist (approx. 5%)
Currency: CFA Franc
- currently tied to the value of the
French franc at a rate of 100 fCFA=1fFr. Money can be exchanged either at a bank or at licensed money changers who
generally offer a slightly better rate. There is a black market but it is not easily accessible plus, there is virtually no
difference between what you will obtain here and at the legal exchanges and the search for black market dealers may put the
individual at unnecessary personal risk. The exchange of French francs is usually subject to commission of up to 3%. Pounds
sterling and American dollars are sought after currencies due to their current strength and attract good rates of exchange.
For approximate current rates of exchange, click here.
Vital Statistics:
Areal extent: 196,720
Population (1997): 9,001,000**
Population density: 42 per sq. km.
Capital: Dakar
Largest city/population 1999: Dakar/1.82 millions#
Urban population 1980/1997: 36/45*
Population growth 1990-1997: 2.6% p.a.*
Life expectancy 1975-80/1995-2000: 42.8/51.3**
Fertility rate 1975-80/1995-2000: 7.0/5.6
Adult literacy rate 1997: 34.6¬
GNP per capita 1997: $540¬
GNP per capita annual growth rate (%): 1975-1995: -0.5¬
Human Development Index rank/value 1999: 153/0.426¬
Exports 1998 ($ millions): 964^
Imports 1998 ($ millions): 1238^
Current account balance ($ millions) 1998: -118^
Export destinations 1998: India, 26.7%, France, 16.8%, Mali, 8.0%, Mauritania, 3.7%^
Import destinations 1998: France, 32.6%, Nigeria, 5.6%, USA, 5.2%, Thailand, 5.1%^
Debt service ratio 1998: 15.4^
President: Maitre Abdoulaye Wade - elected February 2000 - 7yr. term of office - re-electable
National Government: President and his Council of Ministers
National Assembly: 140 members, elected by universal suffrage on a mixed first past the post (70 seats)
and proportional representation (70 seats) system - all serve a 5 yr. term
Senate: established 1998 - 48 seats selected by electoral college + 12 seats allocated by President
Main political parties: Alliance des forces de progres (AFP), And-jeff/Parti Aficain pour la démocratie et le
socialisme (AJ-PADS), Convention des démocrats et des patriots-Garab Gi (CDP-Garab Gi),
Front pour le socialisme et la démocratie - Benno Jubel (FSD-BJ), Ligue démocratique-Mouvement pour le parti du travail
(LD-MPT), Parti de l'independence et du travail (PIT), Parti démocratique sénégalaise (PDS), Parti socialiste
(PS), Parti libéral sénégalais (PLS), Union pour le renouveau démocratique (URD).
Legal system: based on the Napoleonic Code and the 1963 Constitution
* = World Bank 1999
** World Resources Institute 1998
~ = Instituto del Tercer Mundo 1997
¬ = Human Development Report 1999
^ = Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) 2000
# = Africa Consultants International 1999
Government Links
Political Parties
News from Senegal
There is a largely free and vibrant press in Senegal, nearly all of which is based in Dakar. Newspapers are reasonably
priced and sold on every street corner, although only the big three (Soleil, Sud and Walfajri) are available outside of
Dakar. Those with websites are listed first and are linked to this site. |
Leafy street scene in central Dakar
Other Senegalese news publications not online
- Le Cafard Libéré - Dakar (weekly satirical), est. 1987
10, rue Tolbiac x, B.P. 7292, Dakar
Tel.: 822 84 43 Fax: 822 08 91 E-mail:
- L'Info - Dakar (daily), est. 1999
Croupe Com 7, 71, Avenue André Peytavin, B.P. 11357, Dakar
Tel.: 822 05 35/77 77 Fax: 823 15 47 E-mail:
- Matin - Dakar (daily)
Quotidien d'informations générales, Route de l'Aéroport - Yoff, B.P. 8076, Dakar
Tel.: 820 92 02/03/04/05 Fax: 820 92 06 E-mail:
- Promotion - Dakar (daily), est. 1999
114, Avenue André Peytavin, B.P. 11357, Dakar
Tel.: 822 79 77 Fax: 822 79 97
- Le Témoin - Dakar (weekly), est. 1990
Gibralter II, Villa 310, B.P. 384, Dakar
Tel.: 821 78 38 Fax: 821 29 10
- Thiès Tribune - Thiès (weekly), est. 1990
Avenue Lamin Gueye, B.P. 620, Thiès
Tel.: 951 30 91
- Tract Quotidienne - Dakar (daily), est. 2000
13, rue de Thann, Dakar
Tel/Fax: 823 47 25
- République - Dakar (weekly), est. 1994
Zone B, Villa 22 B, B.P. 21740, Dakar
Tel.: 822 73 73 Fax: 822 50 39 E-mail:
- Dakar Soir - Dakar (daily), est. 2000
Route du Service géographique, Hann Village, BP 21548, Dakar-Ponty
Tel. and Fax: 832 10 93 E-mail: Website:
- Sopi - Alternance 2000 - Dakar (weekly), est. 2000
Point E, rue A x 7, Dakar
Tel.: 824 49 50 Fax: 824 47 00
- Thiès Tribune - Thiès (weekly), est. 1998
114, Avenue Lamin Gueye, B.P. 620, Thiès
Tel.: 951 30 91
Academic links
Cheik Anta Diop University, Dakar
IFAN (Institute fondamentale d'Afrique Noire), Dakar
Gaston Berger University, St. Louis
Academic research by Senegalese scholars
- Djissangouley Coly Summary of research carried out on rice growing
in the delta and valley of the Senegal River.
Information for Senegalese scholars
- British Council 34-36, Boulevard de la République, B.P. 6232, Dakar
Tel.: 822 20 15/48 Fax: 821 81 36 E-mail:
Scholars who have already completed a graduate degree
(Master's or "Maitrise") and who have a strong command of English (IELTS 6.0 or better) may apply for a Chevening Award for
postgraduate study in the UK,
offered by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to a maximum of five applicants from Senegal, Mali, Cape Verde, Guinea and
Guinea Bissau. The award covers tuition fees, air fares and maintenance allowance for the duration of the course. Applicants
should also possess an offer from a British University (prospectuses are available at the British Council library) and be
able to show how the projected course of study will be of use in the applicant's home country. IELTS tests are available at
the British Council (fee: 80,000 CFA) and a free guide is available.
Other sites of interest on Senegal
A brief guide to
Gorée Institute NGO headquartered on the island of Gorée devoted to promoting self-reliant and
open societies in Africa
Homeview Senegal - a selection of media links, the most useful of which connect
to Senegalese radio and TV programmes
(Observatoire sur les Systèmes d'Information, les Réseaux et les Inforoutes au Sénégal)
Tourism Official tourist website of Senegal
Sentoo A kind of on-line magazine of Senegalese news and lifestyles
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