Vital Statistics
Areal extent: 801,590
Population (1997): 18,691,000
Population density: 23.3 per sq. km.
Urban population, % of total (1980/1997): 13/36
Population growth (1985-1990/1995-2000): 0.9/2.5
Life expectancy (1970-1975/2000-2005): 41.1/38.1
Fertility rate (1980/1996): 6.5/6.1
Capital: Maputo
Largest city/population (1991): Maputo/931,000
Gross National Product (1997): $1.7 billions
GNP per capita (2001): $200
GNP per capita annual growth rate (1975-1995): n.a.
Human Development Index rank/value (2001): 170/0.356
Gender-related Index [GDI] (2001) rank/value: 140/0.341
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