OMVG (Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Gambie)

OMVG is a good example of inter-African cooperation that perhaps gets too little recognition when set against the activities of some of the more well-known development organisations. There are four member states involved in the OMVG: Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau and the headquarters of the organisation are located in Dakar, the capital of Senegal. The three principal thrusts of OMVG concern energy, food security and communications.

OMVG has carried out studies which have resulted in the recommendation of four sites of potential development as hydro-electric power projects. These are at Sambangalou on the River Gambia, Fello Sounga and Saltinho on the River Koliba/Corubal and Gaoual on the River Géba. This is in response to what is seen as a chronic shortage of electricity across the sub-region.

this page is under construction, more information on OMVG will follow during April 2000