Map of Gabon Courtesy of CIA
Vital Statistics
Areal extent: 267,670
Population (1998): 1,170,000**
Population density: 4.4 per sq. km.
Urban population, % of total (1980/1997): 34/52*
Population growth (1985-1990/1995-2000): 3.1/2.8**
Life expectancy (1975-80/1995-2000): 47.0/55.5**
Fertility rate (1980/1996): 4.5/5.0*
Capital: Libreville
Largest city/population (1993): Libreville/419,600~
Gross National Product (1997): $4.9* billions
GNP per capita (1997): $4,230*
GNP per capita annual growth rate (1975-1995): -2.9¬
Human Development Index rank/value (1999): 124/0.607¬
* = World Bank 1999
** World Resources Institute 1998
~ = Instituto del Tercer Mundo 1997
¬ = Human Development Report 1999
n.a. = Information not available at present